Pemindaan Perkara 9 Perlembagaan Jepun dalam Pentadbiran Shinzo Abe (Amendement of Article 9 Japanese Constitution in Shinzo Abe Administration)

Asmadi Hassan, Rohayati Paidi, Mohd Ikbal Mohd Huda


Perlembagaan Jepun digubal oleh Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP) pada Februari 1946. Perkara 9 dalam perlembagaan tersebut yang menghadkan kebebasan angkatan tentera Jepun menjadi isu besar sehingga terdapat desakan supaya dipinda, terutamanya oleh parti pemerintah iaitu Parti Liberal Demokratik (LDP). Perkara 9 didapati tidak lagi sesuai dengan persekitaran politik sekarang dan perkara ini dibangkitkan beberapa kali oleh Perdana Menteri, Shinzo Abe. Abe mengutamakan dua perkara dalam pentadbirannya, iaitu pertama, membangunkan semula ekonomi negara melalui “Abenomics” dan kedua menjadikan Jepun sebagai negara “normal” dengan meminda Perkara 9. Artikel ini  membincangkan pemindaan Perkara 9 di bawah pentadbiran Shinzo Abe termasuk mengapa Perkara 9 perlembagaan Jepun perlu dipinda, usaha yang dilakukan Abe untuk merealisasikan pemindaan perlembagaan tersebut, maklum balas dari Amerika Syarikat, China dan Korea dan terakhir, sokongan rakyat Jepun sendiri. Analisis artikel ini mendapati bahawa Amerika Syarikat menyokong usaha “menormalkan” Jepun, tetapi tidak bagi China dan Korea. Walau bagaimanapun Abe perlu memberi tumpuan bagi mendapatkan persetujuan rakyat Jepun. Walaupun LDP mempunyai majoriti di kedua-dua dewan parlimen, tetapi referendum khas adalah menjadi halangan utama. Majoriti rakyat Jepun masih menentang rancangan beliau. Abe sepatutnya memahamkan rakyat terlebih dahulu mengenai rancangan beliau kerana ia melibatkan kehidupan seharian mereka.


Kata kunci: Perlembagaan Jepun; Perkara 9; Shinzo Abe; Parti Liberal Demokrat; negara normal



Japanese constitution was drafted by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in February 1946. The constitution especially Article 9 was to curb the freedom of Japanese army and it became a major issue in Japan. Therefore, there was a pressure to amend the constitution, particularly by the ruling party, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Article 9 was no longer suitable with the current political situation and it was continually reiterated by the Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe. Abe emphasized two priorities in his administration, first, to rebuild Japanese economy through "Abenomics" and second, making Japan as a normal country by amending Article 9. This article examines the amendment of Article 9 by Abe’s administration, including why Article 9 needs to be amended, Abe's efforts to materialize the amendment, response from the United States, China and Korea, and finally, support from the Japanese people. The analysis of this article found that the United States supported the normalization of Japan, but not for China and Korea. However Abe should pay more attention to the consent of the Japanese people. Although the LDP has a majority in both houses of Parliament, but special referendum is a major obstacle. Majority of the Japanese people still opposes his plans. Abe ought to convince Japanese people prior to employing his plans since it involves their daily lives.


Keywords: Japanese Constitution; Article 9; Shinzo Abe; Liberal Democratic Party; normal country

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