Revolusi Seksual: Penelitian Terhadap Laporan Penyelidikan Alfred C. Kinsey, Penginstitusian dan Kesannya kepada Faharnan Seksualiti Masyarakat Barat

MOHD. ZARIAT ABDUL RANI (Universiti Putra Malaysia,


Many believe that the publication of the two volumes of Alfred C. Kinsey's scientific report on human sexual behavior have given a significant impact to the western society. Not only the scientific data of Kinsey's reports contain a permissive pattern of sexual behavior but most of his scientific data have been proposed as a new pattern of western sexual ideology and practice that also challenge the conventional ways. The fact that the western society have be- come more sexually open and permissive, especially after the publication of those volumes has, in a way, lead to an assumption that most of Kinsey 's scientific data have gone through the process of institutionalization. In this case, most of the western scholars regard that the sexual permissiveness among the western society is merely a product of social constructions and this has been materialized by the role of a few social and academic organizations. Taking into consideration the significance of the Kinsey’s report on human sexual behavior, this paper intend to look into the process of institutionalization of those data and its impact on western sexual ideology and practice.

Key words: sexual beliefs and practice, conservative, permissive, social construction


Kehadiran data penyelidikan saintifik yang dilakukan oleh Alfred C. Kinsey tentang seksualiti manusia ini dianggap penting lantaran kebanyakan aspek yang lahir daripada kajian ini dikatakan memberi kesan yang signifikan terhadap fahaman dan amalan seksualiti masyarakat Barat. Justeru, perubahan fahaman dan amalan seksualiti Barat daripada yang bersifat konservatif kepada yang bercorak permisif ini turut ditanggapi oleh beberapa pihak sebagai satu hasil yang lahir daripada proses bikinan sosial. Hakikat ini juga banyak mengambil kira proses penginstitusian yang rata-rata dilakukan oleh beberapa buah organisasi sosial dan akademik dalam usaha memperagakan fahaman serta amalan seksualiti baru bagi masyarakat Barat yang permisif: Bertolak daripada kesignifikanan data saintifik tentang perlakuan manusia yang diterbitkan oleh Kinsey ini, makalah ini akan meneliti proses penginstitusian yang dikatakan dilakukan terhadap data-data tersebut serta mengamati kesannya terhadap fahaman seksualiti Barat.

Kata kunci: fahaman dan amalan seksualiti, konservatif;permisif; bikinan sosial

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