Cause-related marketing: Will religious consumers buy? (Hubungkait Penyebab Pemasaran: Adakah pengguna yang akan beli?)

Suzana Md Samsudi


To meet the UN Sustainable Consumption and Production goal, more companies are integrating sustainability value through corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities as part of their marketing strategies. To highlight the CSR activities and sustainable development, the marketing strategies may change the focus from consumer to social framework such as from customer price discounts to corporate sponsorship or cause-related marketing (CRM). The question remains whether sponsorship or CRM carried out by corporate are perceived as being more socially responsible especially by the religious consumers. This study assesses the influence of religiosity on attitude towards CRM and purchase intention for brands supporting religious, social or environmental causes.  A conceptual model with a multi-dimensional construct of religiosity was developed to examine the relationship between religiosity and attitudes towards CRM and purchase intent. A survey among young Muslim adults in Malaysia was carried out to test the influence of religiosity on CRM and purchase intention. The results revealed contradicting support between intra- and inter-personal religiosity. Theoretically, the findings warrant additional research that focuses on the multi-dimensional construct of religiosity and its linkage to CRM as an incentive mechanism. While CRM activities are viewed positively by those who are religious in a more socially manner, those who are inwardly religious however, may reject and perceive the marketing approach negatively.


Keywords: Religiosity; cause-related marketing; Islam; consumer; sustainable development



Bagi memenuhi matlamat Penggunaan dan Pengeluaran Lestari PBB, lebih banyak syarikat mengintegrasi nilai kemapanan melalui aktiviti tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) sebagai sebahastractgian daripada strategi pemasaran mereka. Untuk mengetengahkan aktiviti CSR dan pembangunan lestari, strategi pemasaran perlu mengubah fokus daripada kerangka pengguna kepada sosial, misalnya daripada harga diskaun pelanggan kepada penajaan korporat atau pemasaran berkait sosial (CRM). Sama ada penajaan atau CRM yang dijalankan oleh korporat dianggap sebagai lebih memenuhi tanggungjawab sosial oleh pengguna beragama terus menjadi persoalan. Justeru kajian ini menilai pengaruh keagamaan terhadap CRM dan niat pembelian bagi jenama yang menyokong program pembangunan agama, sosial atau alam sekitar. Model yang berkonsepkan multi-dimensi  keagamaan telah dibangunkan untuk mengkaji hubungan di antara tingkat keagamaan, persepsi terhadap CRM dan niat pembelian. Satu kaji selidik di kalangan golongan muda Muslim di Malaysia telah dijalankan untuk menguji pengaruh keagamaan terhadap CRM dan niat pembelian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan sokongan yang bertentangan antara dimensi keagamaan peribadi dan dimensi keagamaan sosial. Secara teori, kajian ini mencadangkan penyelidikan lanjut terhadap pengukuran keagamaan multi-dimensi dan mengkaji hubungannya dengan CRM sebagai insentif pembelian. Walaupun aktiviti CRM dilihat secara positif oleh Muslim yang tinggi keagamaan dari dimensi sosial, Muslim yang tinggi keagamaan dari dimensi peribadi berkemungkinan menolak pembelian serta mempunyai persepsi negatif terhadap strategi pemasaran CRM.


Kata Kunci: Keagamaan; pemasaran berkait social; Islam; pengguna; pembangunan mampan

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