Penerokaan Spesifikasi Kemahiran Generik 4IR bagi Graduan Kejuruteraan Awam Berdasarkan Perspektif Daripada Industri (Exploration of 4IR Generic Skills Specifications for Civil Engineering Graduates based from Industry’s Perspectives)
Gelombang teknologi baharu yang dikenali sebagai revolusi perindustrian 4.0 (4IR) diiringi dengan penggunaan robotik dan pengautomasian menyebabkan perubahan terhadap permintaan tenaga buruh dan bidang pekerjaan. Profesion jurutera awam merupakan salah satu daripada 53 bidang pekerjaaan kritikal bagi membangunkan ekonomi negara dalam mendepani arus cabaran 4IR. Namun begitu, peratusan bilangan jurutera awam baharu yang diterima bekerja masih lagi rendah disebabkan oleh faktor ketidaksepadanan kemahiran generik sekaligus menyebabkan masalah pengangguran dalam kalangan graduan kejuruteraan awam (KA) masih lagi berlaku. Oleh itu, kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk meneroka spesifikasi yang terperinci mengenai kemahiran generik 4IR (KG4IR) bagi graduan kejuruteraan awam berdasarkan perspektif daripada pihak industri kejuruteraan awam. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui temu bual semi berstruktur atas talian terhadap lima orang pakar bidang KA berdasarkan protokol temu bual. Dapatan temu bual dianalisis menggunakan sistem kod untuk mengeluarkan kategori dan tema bagi membentuk spesifikasi KG4IR. Hasil analisis mendapati bahawa sembilan tema KG4IR telah diperolehi iaitu kemahiran komunikasi, penyelesaian masalah, kepimpinan, kepintaran emosi, kreativiti, pemikiran kritikal, kebolehsuaian, digital dan pengurusan bersama perincian daripada kategori untuk membentuk spesifikasi KG4IR yang sesuai bagi graduan KA. Melalui spesifikasi KG4IR yang terperinci ini, ianya dapat dijadikan panduan bagi penerapan KG4IR oleh pihak pemegang taruh (IPT, pihak industri) untuk menghasilkan graduan kalis masa hadapan yang mampu bekerja dalam suasana pekerjaan 4IR selari dengan inspirasi Kerangka Pendidikan Tinggi 4.0 oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia.
Kata kunci: Kemahiran generik; revolusi perindustrian 4.0; kejuruteraan awam; industri
New technology wave named as industrial revolution 4.0 (4IR) accompanied by the use of robotics and automation caused changes in the demand of labour market and employment. Profession as civil engineer is highlighted as one of the 53 critical occupations to boost economic growth to face the challenges in 4IR. However, the percentage of hired entry-level civil engineers is still low due to the generic skills mismatch factor leading to unresolved unemployment issues among civil engineering (CE) graduates. Thus, this study was conducted to explore the specification of 4IR generic skills (GS4IR) for civil engineering graduates based from the industry’s perspectives. This study was done by using qualitative approach through online semi structured interviews with five civil engineering experts guided by an interview protocol. The interview data were analysed by using code system to derive the categories and themes in order to develop the specification of GS4IR. The result shows that nine themes of GS4IR were derived which are communication skill, problem solving, leadership, emotional intelligence, creativity, critical thinking, adaptability, digital and management supplemented with the details from the categories to develop the GS4IR specification that suitable for CE graduates. From the GS4IR specification, it can be used as a guideline to instil GS4IR by the stakeholders (HEI, industries) in order to produce future-proof graduates that able to work in 4IR working environment in line with the aspiration of Higher Education 4.0 Framework by Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.
Keywords: Generic skill; industrial revolution 4.0; civil engineering; industry
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