Geografi Fizikal: Isu, Cabaran dan Prospek (Physical Geography: Issues, Challenges and Prospects)

SHARIFAH MASTURA SYED ABDULLAH (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,


This article discusses the development of the Geography discipline in general and the sub-disipline Physical Geography in particular, during the pre and post restructering exercise of the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities (FSSH), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Discussion of the discipline elaborates on the efforts taken by the members of the Department of Geography to intergrate both the sub-disciplines Physical and Human Geography. Integration has been deemed necessary to ensure their continuity and survival in the face of challenges posed by the overlapping of or similarities with the other like disciplines. The success and relevance of the discipline is determined by its ability to maintain a high level of expertise in both the qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and in its ability to remain open, liberal, creative as well as adopt an interdisciplinary perspective. In this context Physical Geography is ever ready to face challenges brought about by new issues and to deal with cross-disciplinary issues besides participating in frontier research. The section in this article dealing with the future prospect of the discipline dwells on how it strengthens its position through various means. In conclusion, it can be said that the practitioners of this discipline are experienced, able to stand pressuers and understand the current needs as wll as are rear to defend their discipline and knowledge.


Makalah ini membincangkan perkembangan sub-bidang Geografi Fizikal secara spesifik dan bidang Geografi secara umum pada peringkat pra dan pasca penstrukturan semula Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan (FSSK), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Penjelasan mengenai disiplin membahaskan usaha ke arah mengintegrasi sub-bidang Geografi Fizikal dan Manusia demi menjamin kesinambungan ilmu ini di masa hadapan yang kini dicabar oleh disiplin lain yang bertindihan dan bersepadanan. Kejayaan dan kerelevanan disiplin ditentukan oleh keupayaannya mempertahankan kecekapan kemahiran yang tinggi dalam kaedah penyelidikan kuantitatif dan kualitatif, bersikap interdisiplin, terbuka dan kreatif. Dalam hal ini Geografi Fizikal sentiasa bersedia menerima cabaran isu baru dan berani menangani isu merentas sempadan serta menyelami penyelidikan terkehadapan (frontier). Bahagian prospek masa depan dalam makalah ini membincangkan bagaimana disiplin ini memperkukuhkan kedudukannya di masa hadapan melalui pelbagai cara. Akhirnya boleh dikatakan pengamal ilmu ini adalah berpengalaman dan lasak, sentiasa memahami tekanan dan kehendak semasa dan sekaligus bersedia untuk mempertahan ilmu mereka dengan kewajaran yang bersesuaian.

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