Tahap kepuasan pekebun kecil sawit terhadap amalan integrasi sawit (Satisfaction level of smallholder toward oil palm integration practise)

Zaimah R, Novel Lyndon, Sarmila M.S, Mohd Yusof Hussain




Integrasi sawit adalah suatu aktiviti yang mengintegrasikan tanaman sawit bersama aktiviti ekonomi lain seperti tanaman dan ternakan. Amalan integrasi sawit ini didapati memberi manfaat langsung kepada pekebun kecil sawit seperti peningkatan pendapatan. Namun begitu, tahap kepuasan pekebun kecil sawit terhadap amalan integrasi sawit yang mereka laksanakan masih belum dikaji. Persoalannya, wujudkah perbezaan terhadap tahap kepuasan pekebun kecil sawit mengikut kategori pelaksanaan, kos pelaksanaan dan pendapatan integrasi sawit. Oleh itu, objektif artikel bertujuan mengukur tahap kepuasan pekebun kecil sawit terhadap amalan integrasi sawit dan mengenal pasti perbezaan tahap kepuasan pekebun kecil sawit mengikut kategori pelaksanaan, kos pelaksanaan dan pendapatan integrasi sawit. Seramai 140 orang pekebun kecil yang mengusahakan integrasi sawit di sekitar tujuh buah daerah di Johor telah dianalisis. Statistik deskriptif dan ujian Anova digunakan bagi menjawab objektif perbincangan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan sebahagian besar pekebun kecil berpuashati dengan integrasi sawit yang mereka laksanakan. Tahap kepuasan mereka juga signifikan berbeza antara jenis pelaksanaan, kos pelaksanaan dan pendapatan integrasi sawit. Bermakna, integrasi sawit harus diberikan perhatian sewajarnya oleh pekebun kecil kerana terbukti meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. Tambahan pula, integrasi sawit juga memberi kepuasan kepada mereka selain memperolehi manfaat sampingan hasil aktiviti tersebut. Hal ini merupakan sesuatu yang positif, justeru integrasi sawit harus dilaksanakan secara berterusan.


Kata kunci: integrasi tanaman, integrasi ternakan, kepuasan, pekebun kecil sawit, pelaksanaan, pendapatan





Oil palm integration is an activity that integrates oil palm with livestock and/or crops. Oil palm integration practice is found to provide direct benefits to oil palm smallholders, such as increasing their income. However, the extent of oil palm smallholder satisfaction towards oil palm integration practices has not been review yet. Whether there are differences in the level of satisfaction of the oil palm smallholder according to the implementation category, implementation cost and oil palm income. Hence, the objective of the article is to measure the level of oil palm smallholder satisfaction on oil palm integration practices, and to identify the differences in the level of satisfaction of oil palm smallholders according to the implementation category, implementation cost and oil palm income. Data from a total of 140 palm oil smallholders is analyzed in this discussions. Descriptive statistics and Anova test were used to answer the objective of the study.  The results showed that most of the smallholders satisfied with the oil  palm integration that they are implementing. Their level of satisfaction is also significantly different between the types of implementation, implementation costs and palm integration income. The finding implies that the smallholders should give due attention toward oil palm integration as it has proven to increase their income.  Furthermore, oil palm integration provides satisfaction to them and this is a positive impact and it must be implemented continuously.


Keywords: crop integration, livestock integration, satisfaction, oil palm smallholder, implementation, income



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