Pengenalan Rancangan Pengairan Kerian dan Kesannya Terhadap Aspek Ekonomi Petani Padi di Kerian, Perak (1906-1941) (The Introduction of Kerian Irrigation Scheme and Its Effects On The Economy of Paddy Farmers In Kerian, Perak (1906-1941))
This article discusses The Kerian irrigation Scheme and its impact on the paddy farmers’ economy aspect in Kerian, Perak (1906-1941). The opening of Kerian Irrigation Scheme in 1906 had actually helped in the widening of the cultivating area and increase the paddy production as had been discussed in the previous writing. However, the problem lies in the details on the impact of the preparation of the irrigation scheme on the economy aspect of the paddy farmers were thorough, especially with the enforcement of “The Kerian Irrigation Enactment, 1905”. In order to address the issue, this article uses both methods, namely, qualitative and quantitative methods. This article finds the costs borne by the paddy farmers kept on increasing due to the higher cost of land rental and the settlement to the irrigation scheme as a result of the enforcement of “The Kerian Irrigation Enactment, 1905”. However, the paddy production was not totally exceeding or at least at par with the average requirement required by the British administration due to weather and pests’ attacks. In short, from the economy aspect, the lives of the paddy farmers were not improved with the existence of the irrigation plan because of the increasing paddy cultivating costs borne by the paddy farmers. The time scope for this article begins in 1906 because The Kerian Irrigation Plan was fully opened for the use of the people in Kerian and ended in 1941 due to Japan colonisation. The primary source referred to are the official British colonial records such as Reports on the Krian Irrigation Scheme, Annual Report on Social and Economic Progress of the People of Perak and Report of the Rice Cultivation Committee.
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JEBAT : Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies,
Center for Research in History, Politics and International Affairs,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia.
eISSN: 2180-0251
ISSN: 0126-5644