MASALAH DISIPLIN MURID ISLAM: STRATEGI DAN PENYELESAIAN TERHADAP KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (Discipline Problem of the Muslim Student: Strategies and Solution to the Islamic Education Curriculum)

Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Norfariza Mohd Radzi, Husaina Banu Kenayathulla, Saedah Siraj, Faisol Elman, Maszuria A.Ghani, Amalina Ayub


Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengenal pasti jangkaan masa depan mengenai masalah disiplin murid Islam dalam aspek amalan beragama dan strategi penyelesaian dalam aspek proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran kurikulum Pendidikan Islam. Untuk menjawab objektif tersebut, data dikutip menggunakan kajian Delphi sebanyak tiga sesi pusingan. Peserta kajian adalah dalam kalangan sepuluh orang pakar dalam bidang kepimpinan sekolah. Pada sesi pusingan pertama, data dikutip menggunakan kaedah temu bual. Dapatan temu bual tersebut telah membentuk item soal selidik bagi kegunaan Delphi sesi pusingan kedua dan ketiga. Data temu bual dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan tematik. Manakala, data soal selidik menggunakan kaedah statistik deskriptif iaitu median dan Julat Antara Kuartil (JAK). Kajian ini memperoleh tahap kesepakatan pakar yang tinggi untuk menyetujui setiap item apabila skor median melebihi 4 dan JAK kurang daripada 1. Dapatan kajian menemui jangkaan masalah disiplin murid Islam dalam aspek amalan beragama dengan bilangan tema dan subtema seperti berikut iaitu akhlak sebanyak 3 item, amalan membaca al-Quran (3 item), amalan solat (3 item), kesedaran terhadap hukum hakam (5 item), aktiviti bersosial (3 item) dan penggunaan bahan tegahan (3 item). Manakala, jangkaan strategi penyelesaian kepada masalah disiplin murid Islam dalam aspek pengajaran dan pembelajaran kurikulum Pendidikan Islam dengan bilangan tema dan subtema seperti berikut iaitu akhlak sebanyak 7 item, amalan membaca al-Quran (6 item), amalan solat (5 item), kefahaman terhadap hukum hakam (5 item), aktiviti bersosial (3 item) dan penggunaan bahan tegahan (4 item). Implikasi kajian ini adalah perlunya mengambil kira pandangan individu bergelar pakar dalam bidang tertentu dalam proses pembuatan keputusan.

This study was undertaken to identify future expectations regarding student discipline problems in terms of religious practices and strategic solutions concerning and learning the Islamic Education curriculum. To achieve these objectives, data were collected using a Delphi study of a three-round session among ten experts in the field of School Leadership. In the first round, the data were collected using a structured interview. The findings of these interviews formed the questionnaire items to be used in the second and third rounds of the Delphi study. The interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis. However, the questionnaire data were analyzed using descriptive statistics that involved median and Inter Quartile Range (IQR). The study found a high level of expert consensus approving each item when the median score was above 4 and JAK less than 1. The findings on future expectations regarding discipline problems among Muslim students in terms of their religious practices that categorized by theme and sub-themes are as follows: morality 3 items, the practice of reading the Quran (3 items), the practice of prayer (3 items), awareness of the tenets (5 items), social activities (3 items) and the use of exclusion (3 items). However, future expectations for problem solving strategies in terms of teaching and learning the Islamic Education curriculum are as follows: morality 7 items, the practice of reading the Quran (6 items), the practice of prayer (5 items), the understanding of tenets (5 items), social activities (3 items) and the use of  exclusion (4 items). The implication of this study is a need to take into account the views of the individual considered to be an expert in the decision-making process.

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