BioMet-Think Aid: A Learning Package to Enhance Student Practical Experience in Basic Biochemistry and Metabolism

Nurul Farhana Jufri, Mazlyzam Abdul Latif, Nor Fadilah Rajab, Asmah Hamid, Nor Farah Mohamad Fauzi, Farah Wahida Ibrahim


Basic Biochemistry and Metabolism is a compulsory course offered to the 1st year students of Biomedical Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. It is a 4-credit course comprising of a series of lectures, tutorials and practicals. Understanding the theories and procedures concerning each practical is very crucial. All the techniques introduced are basically clinical biochemistry-based tests that are widely used in diagnostic settings. Previously, students were only given a practical manual which was disseminated days earlier followed with a short briefing prior to each practical session. The students, however, could not fully grasp the content of the manual given, resulting in experimental errors, inaccurate findings and chemicals wastage. In addition, the instruments involved were sometimes mishandled resulting in increased risk of damage or untoward accidents. To overcome these problems, Biokimia Metabolisme Think Aid (BioMet-Think Aid) learning package was introduced to enhance students understanding when performing the practical sessions. The BioMet-Think Aid package consists of a step by step video-based lab demonstration, reference posters for expected results and quizzes for assessing students understanding. This package was distributed to the students to serve as a preparatory package for the practical sessions. Our findings showed that the BioMet-Think Aid package resulted in increased students’ performance, confidence, satisfaction and understanding when performing the practical sessions.  Positive feedbacks were also received from relevant teaching and technical staffs. Overall, the BioMet-Think Aid package serves as a catalyst to enhance students’ experience in learning Basic Biochemistry and Metabolism and that it will be continued to be implemented to the future enrolled students.


learning package; Biochemistry; laboratory practical; teaching; undergraduates

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