Bagaimana Organisasi boleh Memotivasikan Pekerja untuk Belajar dalam Latihan: Persepsi Ahli Akademik (How Organisation can Motivate Employees to Learn during Training: Perceptions of Academics)

Siti Fardaniah Abdul Aziz


Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan ciri-ciri utama organisasi yang mampu merangsang motivasi belajar dalam latihan dan seterusnya meramal keberkesanan latihan. Kajian-kajian lepas telah menunjukkan bahawa ciri-ciri organisasi yang menyokong pembangunan pekerja dikatakan mampu merangsang motivasi belajar dan seterusnya meramal keberkesanan program latihan dalam organisasi. Ciri-ciri organisasi ini termasuklah ciri-ciri sokongan tugas, sokongan budaya, sokongan sosial dan sokongan pengurusan. Namun kajian empirikal yang mengkaji ciri-ciri organisasi ini secara komprehensif masih berkurangan terutamanya yang membincangkan sampel kajian di Malaysia. Oleh itu, seramai 281 ahli akademik di sebuah universiti awam di Malaysia yang menghadiri satu daripada 17 program latihan anjuran jabatan latihan di organisasi tersebut diambil sebagai subjek kajian. Menggunakan kaedah tinjauan, data dianalisis menggunakan SEM-AMOS (Structural-Equation Modelling - Analysis of Moment Structures). Hasil kajian mendapati hanya sokongan tugas sahaja yang mampu merangsang motivasi belajar dalam latihan; manakala ciri-ciri lain seperti sokongan budaya organisasi dan sokongan sosial tidak merangsang motivasi belajar tetapi mempengaruhi keberkesanan latihan secara langsung. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan bahawa pihak organisasi perlu memastikan tugas pekerja menyokong penggunaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang dipelajari dalam latihan agar latihan yang diberikan dapat merangsang motivasi belajar serta bermanfaat kepada kedua-dua pihak pekerja dan majikan. Oleh itu, pihak organisasi dicadangkan untuk merekabentuk kerja dengan memastikan adanya keperluan penambahbaikan pengetahuan dan kemahiran bagi melaksanakan tugas dalam usaha meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan keberkesanan latihan.

Kata kunci: Motivasi latihan; keberkesanan latihan; organisasi; pembangunan sumber manusia; latihan pekerja


The purpose of this study is to determine the main characteristic of organisations that can stimulate motivation to learn during training in order to improve training effectiveness. Previous researchers find that organisational characteristics can support human resource development in stimulating motivation to learn and fostering training effectiveness. These characteristics include task support, cultural support, social support, and management support. Ironically, research about the organisational characteristics support is still limited especially those that discuss Malaysian samples. Hence, 281 academic staff who attended one of the 17 trainings in a Malaysian public university was chosen as samples. Using survey method, data were analysed using SEM-AMOS (Structural Equation Modeling - Analysis of Moment Structures). The results show that only job support can stimulate motivation to learn during training; in which, motivation to learn plays a significant role as a mediator in the relationship between job support and training performance. Meanwhile, other characteristics including cultural and social support did not stimulate motivation to learn but can directly affect training performance. The results show that organisation should make sure that employee’s task can support the use of knowledge and skills learned in training in order to stimulate motivation to learn as well as to make training beneficial to both the employees and employer. Therefore, it is suggested that organisations should design jobs by ensuring the need to improve employees’ knowledge and skills are fulfilled as an effort to increase motivation to learn and training effectiveness.

Keywords: Training motivation; training effectiveness; organisation; human resource development; employee training


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