Budaya Sains Asli dan Budaya Sains Moden dalam Kalangan Pelajar: Keselanjaran Usaha ke Arah Enculturation of Science (Culture of Natural Science and Culture in the Modern Science among Students: Continuity Efforts towards the Enculturation of Science)

KAMISAH OSMAN (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, kamisah@ukm.my), ERMAN HAR (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)


This study aims to compare the existence of authentic and modern science culture and to compare whether there exists a significant difference in terms of students’ authentic and modern science culture according to gender and school location. Descriptive statistical analysis revealed that the students’ levels of authentic science culture in the rural and urban area were moderate. On the other hand, the level of science modern culture was high for both rural and urban cohorts. Inferential statistical analysis demonstrated that there existed insignificant difference in terms of modern science culture based on gender for urban students even though significant difference was demonstrated for rural students. In terms of authentic science measurement, there existed significant difference for boys and girls in rural as well as urban areas. Findings from this study generate emperical evidence in terms of authentic science culture which science educators would do well to take into account in planning their science teaching and learning processes.

Keywords: Authentic science culture, gender factor in science teaching and learning, locational factor in science teaching and learning, modern science culture, science teaching and learning


Kajian ini bertujuan untuk untuk meneliti tahap kewujudan budaya sains asli dan kewujudan budaya sains moden, dan membandingkan sama ada terdapat perbezaan kewujudan budaya sains asli dan kewujudan budaya sains moden yang signifikan berdasarkan jantina dan lokasi sekolah. Analisis data secara deskriptif menunjukkan bahawa kewujudan budaya sains asli pelajar kawasan bandar dan luar bandar adalah pada tahap yang sederhana. Manakala budaya sains moden pelajar adalah pada tahap yang tinggi untuk kedua-dua lokasi bandar dan luar bandar. Analisis inferensi menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam pemilikan budaya sains moden antara pelajar mengikut jantina di kawasan bandar, meskipun perbezaan yang signifikan ditunjukkan dalam kalangan pelajar di kawasan luar bandar. Manakala dalam pengukuran budaya sains asli, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara pelajar lelaki dan perempuan dalam kalangan pelajar di kawasan bandar dan luar bandar. Dapatan kajian menyediakan bukti emperikal pemilikan budaya sains asli dan seterusnya menuntut pendidik sains agar mengambil kira pemilikan budaya sains asli dalam perancangan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains seterusnya.

Kata kunci: Budaya sains asli, budaya sains moden, gender, pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains, pelajar

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