Academic Musings on Globalisation and 'Local' Relevancy: A Step in the Right Direction?

VEJAI BALASUBRAMANIAM (Universiti Sains Malaysia,


In the post Cold War epoch the issue of globalisation has attracted much attention from academics in the Third World. Of particular concern is the impact of globalisation on labour and job opportunities. In this respect high unemployment among social science graduates from public institutes of higher education in Malaysia has brought to the forefront the question of relevancy of courses taught there. Yet the view that globalisation and international competitiveness my compromise the context of the social sciences may be misplaced. This paper discusses the issues of concern and asks whether it is social science or social scientists who are at stake.


Dalam era pasca Perang Dingin isu globalisasi telah menarik banyak perhatian golongan akademik di negara Dunia Ketiga, khususnya mengenai kesan globalisasi terhadap gunatenaga dun peluang pekerjaan. Dalm hal ini, kadar pengangguran yang tinggi di kalangan graduan sains sosial daripada institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) di Malaysia telah menonjolkan soalan kesesuaian kursus-kursus yang diajar di institusi tersebut. Namun pandangan bahawa globalisasi dan persaingan di peringkat antarabangsa akan menyebabknn konteks sains sosial mungkin dikompromikan adalah tidak berasas. Makalah ini membincang isu yang menjadi kebimbangan dan bertanyakan sama ada sains sosial itu sendiri atau ahil-ahli sains sosial yang merasa terancam?

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