Mengungkap Imej Pulau Pinang sebagai Destinasi Tarikan Pelancong (Revealing the Images of Penang as Tourist Attractions Destination)
This study discusses the image of Penang as a destination of choice by tourists based on the initial perception and actual tourists experience from three main tourist groups; alosentric, midsentric and psichosentric. The study found that Penang is a dream holiday destination for tourists who have ever come. Their experience suggests revisit as a holiday destination. Penang has meet the needs of each visitor’s age groups. The offers for location and diversity of tourism products followed by accessibility and good state of infrastructure are the additional pulling factors in tourist arrivals trend to the destination of their choice.
Keywords: Tourist; images; destination; vacation; revisit
Artikel ini membincangkan tentang imej Pulau Pinang sebagai destinasi pilihan pelancong berdasarkan persepsi awalan dan pengalaman kunjungan sebenar pelancong daripada tiga kumpulan pelancong utama iaitu kumpulan alosentrik, midsentrik dan psikosentrik. Hasil kajian mendapati Pulau Pinang merupakan destinasi percutian idaman bagi pelancong yang datang, pengalaman yang mencadangkan kunjungan semula dan destinasi percutian memenuhi keperluan bagi setiap kumpulan umur pengunjungnya. Penawaran lokasi dan kepelbagaian produk pelancongan; diikuti kemudahsampaian dan prasarana menjadi faktor tarikan tambahan kepada trend kedatangan pelancong ke destinasi pilihan mereka.
Kata kunci: Pelancong; imej; destinasi; percutian; kunjungan semula
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