Stress, Anxiety and Depression among Private Higher Education Student during Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia (Tekanan, Kebimbangan, dan Kemurungan dalam kalangan Pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi ketika Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan di Malaysia.)

Asmadi Abdul Rahman, Fahmi Zaidi Abdul Razak, Norillah Abdullah Hassim


A student's success depends on an emotional stability as well as a calm atmosphere. Stable emotions and well-controlled stress levels will help students to live healthy and succeed in lessons. The emotional stress faced by Malaysian teenagers is alarming, especially among student’s higher education institutions students. If stress cannot be properly treated, the disease is worried to become more serious. Nevertheless, studies that measure the level of stress among religious students are somewhat less. The objective of this research is to examine the level of depression, anxiety and stress among private higher education students in Malaysia. This study uses a quantitative approach to meet the objectives of the study. Respondent were 510 students (366 percent male and 193 female) from one private higher education students in Kuantan who were studying in both diploma and degree level. Participants were selected using a convenience sampling technique and were assessed using questionnaire. To reduce the problem of common method bias in survey research, a number of preventive approaches have been adopted, among them, to convince respondents that this study is for academic purposes only. Findings revealed that the stress level among students were normal during MCO. In terms of stress level, average DASS score was found to be light at 6.8 and as for anxiety were found to be light at 5.7 and average DASS to do score for depression was 5.6 which is normal. This study also proves that students with a religious education background are not exempt from stress.

Keywords: Stress; Anxiety; Depression; Movement control order; private higher education




Kejayaan seseorang pelajar bergantung pada beberapa perkara, antaranya ialah kestabilan emosi dan juga suasana yang tenang semasa belajar. Emosi yang stabil dan tahap tekanan yang terkawal akan membantu pelajar untuk hidup sihat dan berjaya dalam pelajaran. Tekanan emosi yang dihadapi oleh remaja Malaysia amat membimbangkan, terutamanya apabila melibatkan pelajar di peringkat pengajian tinggi. Sekiranya tekanan tidak dapat diatasi dengan betul, penyakit ini dikhawatirkan akan menjadi lebih serius. Walaupun begitu, kajian yang mengukur tahap tekanan di kalangan pelajar agama agak kurang. Objektif penyelidikan ini adalah untuk mengkaji tahap kemurungan, kegelisahan dan tekanan di kalangan pelajar pendidikan tinggi swasta di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk memenuhi objektif kajian. Responden adalah 510 pelajar (366 peratus lelaki dan 193 perempuan) dari satu pelajar pendidikan tinggi swasta di Kuantan yang menuntut di peringkat diploma dan ijazah. Peserta dipilih menggunakan teknik persampelan kemudahan dan dinilai menggunakan soal selidik. Untuk mengurangkan masalah bias kaedah umum dalam penyelidikan tinjauan, sejumlah pendekatan pencegahan telah diambil, di antaranya, untuk meyakinkan responden bahawa kajian ini hanya untuk tujuan akademik. Hasil kajian mendapati tahap tekanan di kalangan pelajar adalah normal semasa MCO. Dari segi tahap stres, skor DASS rata-rata didapati ringan pada 6,8 dan bagi kecemasan didapati ringan pada 5,7 dan skor DASS rata-rata untuk melakukan kemurungan adalah 5,6 yang normal. Kajian ini juga membuktikan bahawa pelajar yang mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan agama tidak terkecuali daripada tekanan.

Kata kunci: Tekanan; Kebimbangan; Kemurungan; Perintah kawalan pergerakan; pendidikan tinggi swasta

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