Profil literasi alam sekitar: Perspektif pelajar sekolah menengah di Tawau, Sabah (Environmental literacy profiles: High school student perspectives in Tawau Sabah)

Ahmadi Abd Wahab, Mohammad Tahir Mapa


Literasi alam sekitar (LAS) merupakan matlamat dalam kurikulum Pendidikan Alam Sekitar (PAS). Manakala, membentuk tingkah laku yang bertanggungjawab terhadap alam sekitar merupakan matlamat akhir PAS. Semenjak Deklarasi Tbilisi (1977), PAS di Malaysia masih lagi dilaksanakan di sekolah secara merentas kurikulum. Setelah 42 tahun deklarasi tersebut, perlunya kajian menyeluruh untuk menyediakan data tentang tahap literasi alam sekitar pelajar di Malaysia. Ia penting untuk menilai keberkesanan amalan PAS dan seterusnya menilai pencapaian matlamat membentuk tingkah laku bertanggungjawab alam sekitar dalam kalangan pelajar. Justeru itu, kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk menilai profil LAS (domain dan komponen) pelajar mengikut gender. Tahap profil LAS pelajar mengikut domain dan gender turut dinilai dalam kajian ini. Akhirnya, penilaian tahap keseluruhan LAS pelajar sekolah menengah di Tawau, Sabah turut dilaporkan. Kajian ini dilaksanakan secara tinjauan menggunakan Cross-Sectional Survey. Responden kajian melibatkan 12 buah sekolah menengah kategori bandar. Seramai 328 orang pelajar tingkatan empat dipilih secara persampelan rawak berstrata mengikut nisbah. Data dikumpul menggunakan borang soal selidik dan dianalisis menggunakan ujian-t, Mann-Whitney U dan skor min. Hasil kajian mendapati profil domain kemahiran, afektif dan tingkah laku alam sekitar pelajar lelaki lebih tinggi berbanding pelajar pelajar perempuan. Sementara itu, profil komponen kesanggupan terlibat dan kemahiran mengatasi masalah alam sekitar pelajar lelaki adalah lebih tinggi berbanding pelajar perempuan. Pelajar lelaki juga didapati mempunyai tahap LAS yang lebih tinggi berbanding pelajar perempuan. Domain kemahiran alam sekitar mencatat nilai skor min paling tinggi. Sebaliknya, domain tingkah laku alam sekitar mencatat nilai skor yang paling rendah. Secara keseluruhannya, LAS dalam kalangan pelajar adalah sederhana. Justeru itu, bagi mencapai matlamat akhir PAS untuk membentuk tingkah laku bertanggungjawab terhadap alam sekitar, pendidikan alam sekitar di peringkat sekolah perlu diperkasakan.

Kata kunci: literasi alam sekitar, pendidikan alam sekitar, tingkah laku alam sekitar, pelajar sekolah menengah

Environmental literacy (LAS) is the aim of the Environmental Education (PAS) curriculum. Whereas developing environmentally responsible behavior is the ultimate goal of PAS. Since the Declaration of Tbilisi (1977), PAS in Malaysia is still being implemented in schools across the curriculum. After 42 years of the declaration, there is a need for comprehensive research to provide data on the level of environmental literacy of students in Malaysia. It is important to evaluate the effectiveness of PAS practices and to evaluate the achievement of the goals of shaping environmentally responsible behavior among students. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the environmental literacy profiles (domains and components) of students by gender. Levels of students' environmental literacy profiles by domain and gender were also assessed in this study. Finally, an assessment of the overall level of environmental literacy of high school students in Tawau, Sabah, was also reported. The study was conducted using a Cross-Sectional Survey. The respondents of the study involved 12 urban secondary schools. A total of 328 forms four students were selected on a random sampling basis. Data were collected using questionnaire form and analyzed using t-test, Mann-Whitney U and mean scores. The results showed that affective and environmental behavior profile of male students was higher than female students. Meanwhile, the proficiency component profile involved and environmental problem solving skills were higher than that of female students. Male students were also found to have higher levels of environmental literacy than female students. The environmental skills domain recorded the highest mean score value. Thus, the domain of environmental behavior recorded the lowest score. Overall, the mean score value for environmental literacy among students was moderate. Therefore, to achieve the ultimate goal of environmental education to develop environmentally responsible behavior, environmental education at the school level needs to be strengthened.

Keywords: environmental literacy, environmental education, environmental behavior, high school students

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