Pola tingkah laku kewangan dalam kalangan belia bujang M40 di Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya (Patterns of financial behavior among single youth M40 in the Federal Territory of Putrajaya)

Henry Borromeo Anak Nyirop, Zaimah Ramli, Abd Hair Awang, Sarmila Md Sum


Tingkah laku kewangan mempengaruhi kesejahteraan kewangan seseorang individu dan keluarga, termasuk belia bujang dalam kumpulan M40 yang tinggal di Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya. Walaupun belia aktif dalam aktiviti berkaitan kewangan, kajian lepas menunjukkan mereka kurang bersedia menghadapi peningkatan tanggungjawab terhadap kewangan. Sudah pasti terdapat perbezaan yang jelas dalam tingkah laku kewangan antara belia berkahwin dengan belia bujang. Justeru itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti tingkah laku dalam kalangan belia bujang M40 di Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya. Kajian ini adalah kajian kuantitatif menggunakan kaedah survei. Sampel kajian adalah pegawai di setiap kementerian di Putrajaya yang berumur antara 25 hingga 34 tahun dengan pendapatan bulanan antara RM3,860 hingga RM8,319 (M40). Borang soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian. Pola tingkah laku kewangan dikelaskan kepada empat aspek, iaitu tingkah laku kewangan, tingkah laku berbelanja, tingkah laku menabung dan tingkah laku keberhutangan. Pengukuran tingkah laku kewangan diukur menggunakan 5-scala likert. Soal selidik diedarkan secara atas talian menggunakan e-mel dan WhatsApp. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan skor purata digunakan bagi menginterpretasi pola tingkah laku kewangan kajian. Hasil keseluruhan kajian menunjukkan pola tingkah laku kewangan belia bujang M40 di Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya berada pada tahap yang baik. Dapatan ini memberikan gambaran bahawa belia bujang M40 di Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya mempunyai tingkah laku kewangan yang baik. Pun begitu, tingkah laku kewangan yang baik tersebut perlu dikekalkan dan boleh ditambahbaik demi kelangsungan amalan apabila mereka telah berkeluarga pada masa hadapan.


Kata kunci: Belia bujang, berbelanja, keberhutangan, menabung, M40, tingkah laku


Financial behavior affects the financial well-being of an individual and a family, including bachelor youth in the M40 group living in the Federal Territory of Putrajaya. Although youths are active in financial activities, past studies have shown that they are less prepared to face increased financial responsibilities. There is certainly a clear difference in financial behavior between married youth and bachelor youth. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify behaviors among M40 bachelor youth in the Federal Territory of Putrajaya. This study is a quantitative study using the survey method. The sample of the study is officers in each ministry in Putrajaya aged between 25 to 34 years with a monthly income of RM3,860 to RM8,319 (M40). Questionnaires were used as research instruments. Patterns of financial behavior are classified into four aspects, namely financial behavior, spending behavior, saving behavior and indebtedness behavior. Measurement of financial behavior was measured using a 5-likert scale. Questionnaires were distributed online using email and WhatsApp. Data analysis was performed descriptively and mean scores were used to interpret the financial behavior patterns of the study. The overall results of the study show that the pattern of financial behavior of M40 bachelor youth in the Federal Territory of Putrajaya is at a good level. These findings give the impression that M40 bachelor youth in the city have good financial behavior. However, such good financial behavior needs to be maintained and can be improved for the sake of the continuity of the practice when they have a family in the future.


Keywords: Youth bachelor, spending, indebtedness, saving, M40, behavior


Belia bujang, berbelanja, keberhutangan, menabung, M40, tingkah laku

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