Pengaruh kebolehan organisasi, modal intelektual dan kepimpinan keusahawanan terhadap prestasi perniagaan mikro (The influence of organizational capabilities, intellectual capital and entrepreneurial leadership on microbusiness performance)

Suraiya Ishak, Ahmad Raflis Che Omar, Azima Abdul Manaf, Nur Shafiqah Mohd Sabri


Daya saing dan prestasi perniagaan mikro dijangka dapat memperolehi manafaat daripada pembinaan aset strategik yang unggul berbanding pergantungan kepada aset nyata yang tipikal.   Modal intelektual, kepimpinan keusahawanan dan kebolehan organisasi adalah faktor berpotensi yang dapat memberi kesan terhadap prestasi perniagaan mikro berdasarkan perspektif Pandangan Berasaskan Sumber (RBV).  Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh kebolehan organsasi, modal intelektual dan kepimpinan keusahawanan terhadap prestasi perniagaan mikro.  Kajian ini telah menggunakan survei bagi mengutip data kajian daripada rangka persampelan seramai 118 usahawan yang mengikuti program bimbingan di bawah tiga (3) agensi terpilih.  Soal selidik telah diedar kepada semua usahawan dalam rangka persampelan dan 100 daripadanya telah memberikan maklumbalas.  Data kajian telah dianalisis menggunakan Partial Least Squares (PLS).  Hasil kajian mendapati kebolehan organisasi mempunyai pengaruh positif pada tahap yang lemah dengan prestasi perniagaan.  Pengaruh kebolehan organisasi telah disumbang oleh dimensi kebolehan operasional. Kebolehan operasional adalah kebolehan entiti perniagaan mengurus dan menangani skop situasi sedia ada secara berkesan.  Walau bagaimanapun, kepimpinan keusahawanan dan modal intelektual didapati tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap prestasi perniagaan mikro terlibat.  Implikasi teoretikal ialah penemuan telah membuktikan aset tidak nyata yang strategik menurut perspektif RBV boleh wujud dalam konteks organisasi perniagaan skala mikro, iaitu kebolehan organisasi di bawah dimensi kebolehan operasional.  Namun demikian, kesan pengaruh modal intelektual dan kepimpinan keusahawanan masih lemah dan tidak signifikan kerana elemen tersebut masih belum unik dan tidak menyerlah sehingga mampu menyokong prestasi perniagaan mikro.


Kata kunci: Aset tidak nyata, kebolehan organisasi, kepimpinan keusahawanan, modal intelektual, Pandangan Berasaskan Sumber (RBV), prestasi

The competitiveness and performance of micro-businesses are expected to benefit from the construction of superior strategic assets over reliance on typical tangible assets.   Intellectual capital, entrepreneurial leadership and organizational capabilities are potential factors that can impact the performance of micro-businesses based on the perspective of the Resource-Based View (RBV).  The objective of this study is to test the influence of organisation capabilities, intellectual capital and entrepreneurial leadership on the micro-business performance.  This study used survey to collect research data from the sampling frame of 118 entrepreneurs who participated in the guidance program under 3 selected agencies.  The survey was distributed to all entrepreneurs in the sampling frame and 100 of them responded.  The data was analysed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results of the study found that organizational capabilities have a positive influence at a weak level with business performance.  The influence of organizational capabilities has been contributed by the operational capability dimension.  Operational capability is the ability of a business entity to effectively manage and handle an existing scope of situations.  However, entrepreneurial leadership and intellectual capital were found to have no significant influence on the performance of micro-businesses.  The theoretical implication is that the findings have proved that strategic intangible assets according to the RBV perspective can exist in the context of micro-scale business organizations, namely the organizational capabilities under the operational capability dimension.  However, the influence of intellectual capital and entrepreneurial leadership is still weak and insignificant because these elements are not unique and credible enough support the micro-business performance.


Keywords: Intangible assets, organizational capabilities, entrepreneurial leadership, intellectual capital, Resource Based View (RBV), performance


Aset tidak nyata, kebolehan organisasi, kepimpinan keusahawanan, modal intelektual, Pandangan Berasaskan Sumber (RBV), prestasi (Intangible assets, organizational capabilities, entrepreneurial leadership, intellectual capital, Resource Based View (RBV))

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