Lukut, 1846-1864: Bandar Terawal di Selangor (Lukut, 1846-1864: The Earliest Town In Selangor)
This article investigates the historical development of Lukut during the era of the Selangor Sultanate. Until the mid-19th century, Lukut was known for its abundance of tin, and both Malay elites and Chinese capitalists migrated to and settled in Lukut to participate in tin mining. They presence, with their many followers and labour, expanded Lukut’s function as a vibrant settlement. During the administration of Raja Jumaat (1846-1864), the tin mining sector in Lukut reached its zenith, transforming its landscape into a developed settlement, possessing the early characteristics of a town. Therefore, this article analyses the extent Raja Jumaat’s governance contributed to the growth of Lukut as a town. This research found that Raja Jumaat’s success in setting himself up as Lukut’s legitimate ruler kick-started the development of the settlement. His ability in managing tin mining activities and implementation of an efficient taxation system further strengthened his economic standing. Raja Jumaat also carried out his responsibilities as the local ruler through the introduction of various basic amenities and service as part of Lukut’s development. The establishment of infrastructure and security transformed the living standards of Lukut’s residents into something more complex and ordered. Evidently, his foresight to meet the needs of Lukut residents, aside from attracting capitalists and investors in the tin mining sector, also promoted Lukut’s growth into a town.
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JEBAT : Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies,
Center for Research in History, Politics and International Affairs,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia.
eISSN: 2180-0251
ISSN: 0126-5644