TRANSFORMASI PUSAT MEMBELI BELAH MENURUT PERSPEKTIF ISLAM (Transformation of Shopping Mall Based on Islamic Perspective)

Suraiya Ishak, Amal Hayati Ishak, Ahmad Raflis Che Omar, Abd. Hair Awang, Mohd Yusof Hussain Hussain



Pusat  membeli  belah  merupakan  lokasi  peruncitan  yang  semakin  popular masa kini. Setiap negara umumnya mempunyai beberapa buah pusat membeli belah utama yang menjadi mercu tanda kepesatan serta daya penarik aktiviti peruncitan negara masing-masing. Namun begitu, sehingga kini perbincangan khusus tentang konsep dan model pusat membeli belah bercirikan Islam masih belum kedapatan dan memberi justifikasi kepada perlunya penelitian mendalam tentangnya. Makalah ini mengemukakan perbincangan konseptual tentang dimensi sebuah pusat membeli belah yang menepati syariat Islam. Penelitian ini melibatkan rujukan sumber nas Al-Quran dan pemerhatian kes ke atas sebuah pusat beli belah di Republik Iran iaitu Imam Square. Makalah ini merumuskan dimensi pusat membeli belah Islam terbahagi kepada tiga buah teras utama iaitu dimensi fizikal, bukan-fizikal dan ahlinya. Pusat membeli belah Islam perlu sejajar dengan syariat dalam ketiga-tiga dimensi. Pusat beli belah Islam sangat menekankan adab serta pemuliharaan keharmonian hubungan berpanjangan antara manusia dengan Pencipta dan sesama manusia.


Nowadays, shopping malls have increasingly becoming the popular retail locations. All countries generally have several major shopping malls that symbolize the progressiveness of their retail activities as well as alluring the country’s retailing sector. However, currently there are no specific discussions regarding  the  concept  and  model  that  fit  with  the  Islamic  principles,  thus justify the necessity for a thorough review about it. This article presents the conceptual  discussion  on  the  dimensions  of  malls  according  to  the  syari’at of Islam. The deliberations are made with references to the Al-Quran verses together with an observation on a shopping mall in the Republic of Iran known as Imam Square. This article concluded that Islamic mall dimensions rest on three salient pillars comprises of the physical, non-physical and member (insan). Islamic shopping mall must be parallel with the realm of Islamic tenets in all three dimensions. Islamic shopping mall emphasize on the “adab” and the perseverance of harmonious sustainable relationship between human and the Creator as well as with other fellow human being.


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