Kepemimpinan Kemahiran Insaniah dan Pengurusan Kurikulum Pengetua di Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi (Leadership Soft Skills and Curriculum Management of Principals in High Performing School)
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between leadership soft skills and curriculum management of principals in
High Performing Schools. A descriptive quantitative study using survey design was carried out by utilizing questionnaire
as an instrument. A total of 186 teachers from five high performing secondary school, located in Penang and Kedah was
chosen as research respondents. Data analysis used were mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation. Findings
revealed that the mean value obtained were high for both important variables, namely leadership soft skills (mean =
4.260) and curriculum management (mean = 4.435). In addition, each leadership soft skill components were also at high
level, mean ranged from 4.017 to 4.392. Correlation coefficient Pearson indicated that the relationship between all the
eight leadership soft skill components and curriculum management were significant, moderate, and positive (0.490 ≤ r ≤
0.700) at significant level of 0.01. Results of this study will assist educational administrators especially school principals
in order to apply leadership soft skills in their schools to produce excellent human capital focusing student excellence as
envisaged by the government through Development Plan for Malaysian Education (2013-2025).
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