Model Inovatif Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Rendah (Innovative Models of Indonesian Teaching and Learning at Elementary School)
This study aims to find models of teaching and learning (T&L) in Indonesian Language based on school-based curriculum (SBC) at the elementary school. This is a qualitative research by case study of two elementary school teachers at the 5th level. The informan were chosen by purposive sampling. A teacher in effective school and the other one ineffective school in the district of Bone, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Procedures of study based on Illuminative model which successful model reveals filming T&L Indonesian Language model in the school studies. The findings of the study found three models of T&L Indonesian Language according to SBC from the school studies, namely: (1) Diamond Model, (2) Instructional Square Interaction (ISI) model and (3) Shuttle Flow Model (SFM). Diamond Model focuses on the T&L stage of Indonesian Language that can enhance students’ enthusiasm in learning process. SFM model focuses on a balance of domains of knowledge, attitude and skill in T&L Indonesian Language. While the isi model focuses on interaction strategies involving teachers, students and learning resources. The all three models of T&L Indonesian Language could take the students active learning approaches as required by the SBC. So, it would be able to a guide for teachers, especially in T&L Indonesian Language in elementary schools and generally of language in T&L.
School-based curriculum, Innovative, Diamond Model, ISI Model, SFM Model
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