Tahap Kefahaman Bahasa Arab Mengikut Taksonomi Bacaan dalam Kalangan Pelajar (The Level of Arabic Comprehension According to Taxonomy of Reading Among Students)
Reading is a cognitive process to crystalize the meaning from the text and according to the Bloom’s Taxonomy, the cognitive processes consist of six levels. The aim of this study is: (1) to identify the level of reading comprehension among students using the Bloom’s taxonomy reading comprehension test; and (2) to identify the relationships between reading comprehension levels and Arabic language achievement. This study deployed survey design to collect data by using Bloom’s taxonomy reading comprehension tests as a research instrument. The respondents that involved in this were 60 students which were selected randomly. The results showed that the level of reading comprehension among students was at moderate level. However, the detailed results showed that the first level of Bloom’s taxonomy was at moderate level and the rest of the Bloom’s taxonomy was at weak level. The results also indicated that the first two level of readability level at Consultation Level and the rest at Disappoint Level. The results also found out there is a significant relationship between reading comprehension level and the Arabic language achievement.
learning Arabic language; reading comprehension; reading skills; readability; Arabic language reading comprehension test
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