Penilaian Pelaksanaan Program Pentaksiran Alternatif Sekolah Rendah (PASR) di Sekolah Rendah Pendidikan Khas Integrasi (School Alternative Assessment Programme (PASR) Implementation Evaluation In Special Education Integrated School)
Keberkesanan sesuatu program pentaksiran perlu dilihat dan dinilai supaya mencapai sasaran dan objektif keseluruhan pendidikan agar kos yang dilaburkan tidak disia-siakan. Kajian tinjauan ini dijalankan untuk menilai tahap dimensi proses dalam pelaksanaan program Pentaksiran Alternatif Sekolah Rendah (PASR). Model Penilaian KIPP (Konteks, Input, Proses, Produk) digunakan bagi mengukur tahap dimensi proses serta hubungannya dengan dimensi input dalam pelaksanaan PASR di sekolah. Kajian ini melibatkan 30 orang guru pendidikan khas yang dipilih secara rawak mudah dari 15 buah sekolah dalam Daerah Hulu Langat. Soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen dan data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensi. Dapatan menunjukkan tahap dimensi proses (pemantauan, penyelarasan dan sokongan pentadbir) berada pada tahap tinggi. Tambahan lagi, terdapatnya hubungan linear positif yang kuat dan signifikan antara dimensi proses dengan dimensi input dalam perlaksanaan PASR. Hasil kajian ini menyumbang kepada Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia untuk memperbaiki dan menambahbaik pelaksanaan program agar menjamin ke arah kemenjadian murid dalam program tersebut pada masa hadapan.
Kata Kunci: PASR; penilaian, pendidikan khas, pemantauan, penyelarasan, sokongan pentadbir
The effectiveness of an assessment program should be viewed and evaluated to achieve the overall goals and objectives of the education so that the cost of the investment is not wasted. This survey was conducted to evaluate the level of process dimension in the implementation of the Primary School Alternative Assessment (PASR). The KIPP Evaluation Model (Context, Input, Process, Product) is used to measure the degree of process dimension and its relationship to the input dimension in the implementation of PASR in schools. This study involved 30 special education teachers selected randomly from 15 schools in the Hulu Langat District. Questionnaire was used as the instrument and the data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings show that the process dimensions (monitoring, coordination and admin support) is at a high level. In addition, there is a strong positive and significant linear relationship between the process dimension and the input dimension in the implementation of PASR. The findings of this study contribute to the Ministry of Education Malaysia to improve and amend the implementation of the program to ensure future student enrollment in the program.
Keywords: PASR; assessment, special education, monitoring, moderation, administrative support
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