Dual-Language Programme (DLP) Implementation in Malaysian Secondary Schools: from the Lenses of School Administrators (Implementasi Program Dual-Language (DLP) di Sekolah Menengah Malaysia: Dari Lensa Pentadbir Sekolah)
The implementation of Dual-Language Programme (DLP) in the Malaysian education system has entered the fourth year since its inception. Resembling the previous educational policy, DLP emphasises the use of English as a means of instruction in the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics. The execution of the programme requires the adherence of four main regulations, including schools’ readiness to implement DLP. This study surveyed 80 school administrators’ perception of the programme, the reasons the schools decide to take part in the programme, and the challenges encountered by the school in the programme. Questionnaire and interviews were used to collect data. Findings revealed that the school administrators have positive perceptions towards the DLP programme, where they believe that DLP should be continued, yet improvements are needed to make the programme more effective. In addition, the main reason that the schools decided to take part in the programme was because they perceived that the DLP as a means to develop and improve English language mastery among the students in particular as well as the teachers indirectly. The findings implicate that the implementation of DLP needs serious attention by the school administrators, that encompasses the resources and facilities provision, human resource development as well as DLP students’ welfare.
Key Words: Dual-Language Programme (DLP); school administrators; programme acceptance; education; English as second language
Pelaksanaan Program Dual-Language (DLP) dalam sistem pendidikan Malaysia telah memasuki tahun keempat sejak penubuhannya. Menyerupai dasar pendidikan sebelumnya, DLP menekankan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris sebagai medium pengajaran dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik. Pelaksanaan program ini memerlukan pematuhan empat peraturan utama, termasuk kesediaan sekolah untuk melaksanakan DLP. Kajian ini meninjau 80 persepsi pentadbir sekolah terhadap program, keputusan sekolah mengambil bahagian dalam program ini, dan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh sekolah dalam program tersebut. Soal selidik dan temu bual digunakan untuk mengutip data. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa pentadbir sekolah mempunyai persepsi positif terhadap program DLP, di mana mereka percaya bahawa DLP harus diteruskan, namun perlu dilakukan penambahbaikan untuk menjadikan program ini lebih efektif. Di samping itu, sebab utama sekolah memutuskan untuk mengambil bahagian dalam program ini adalah kerana mereka menganggap bahawa DLP sebagai kaedah untuk meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris dalam kalangan pelajar khususnya dan guru secara tidak langsung. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pelaksanaan DLP memerlukan perhatian serius oleh pentadbir sekolah, yang meliputi penyediaan sumber dan kemudahan, pembangunan sumber manusia dan juga kesejahteraan pelajar DLP.
Kata Kunci: Dual-Language Programme (DLP); pentadbir sekolah; penerimaan program; pendidikan; Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa kedua
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17576/JPEN-2020-45.01SI-08
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