Potential of Interactive Learning Objects (ILOs) as Non-Face-to-Face Learning Among Trainee Teachers in the Philippines (Potensi Objek Pembelajaran Interaktif (ILOs) sebagai Pembelajaran Tidak Bersemuka dalam Kalangan Guru Pelatih di Filipina)
Teaching practicum is designed to provide teaching experiences to trainee teachers for the leadership role they are expected to perform as regular teachers. During practicum, trainee teachers are often away from the immediate supervision of their teachers for consultation. It is for this reason that online Interactive Learning Object (ILO), was introduced to serve them immediate answers related to teaching practice. This mixed method study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the ILO in terms of the manipulability, attractiveness, clarity and comprehensibility, interactivity, applicability, and its perceived strengths and weaknesses, as perceived by 70 trainee teachers and three faculty members. The ILO was introduced to the respondents for two weeks, and data was collected afterwards using online survey and online interview. Results indicated a high level of acceptability of the ILO among the respondents. Furthermore, suggestions to improve the ILO were also voiced by the respondents. The findings implicate that ILOs have the potential to be remedial learning objects for trainee teachers that will bridge the distance between them and their supervising teachers for consultation. The use of ILOs in the delivery of e-learning and distant learning undoubtedly needs to be considered by educational institutions.
Key Words: Cyber instruction, interactive learning object, non-face-to-face learning, trainee teachers, secondary School
Praktikum mengajar direka untuk memberikan pengalaman mengajar kepada guru pelatih untuk peranan kepimpinan yang akan dilaksanakan mereka sebagai guru biasa. Semasa praktikum, guru pelatih selalunya jauh dari pengawasan segera guru mereka untuk rundingan. Atas sebab inilah Objek Pembelajaran Interaktif (ILO) dalam talian diperkenalkan untuk memberi mereka pembelajaran segera berkaitan dengan amalan pengajaran. Kajian kaedah campuran ini bertujuan untuk menilai keberkesanan ILO dari segi manipulasi, daya tarikan, kejelasan dan kepekaan, interaktiviti, kebolehgunaan, dan kekuatan dan kelemahannya seperti yang dirasakan oleh 70 guru pelatih dan tiga ahli fakulti. ILO diperkenalkan kepada responden selama dua minggu, dan data dikumpulkan kemudiannya menggunakan kaji selidik dan temu bual dalam talian. Dapatan menunjukkan tahap penerimaan ILO yang tinggi dalam kalangan responden. Selain itu, cadangan untuk menambahbaik ILO juga disuarakan oleh responden. Penemuan ini mengimplikasikan bahawa ILO mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi objek pembelajaran remedial bagi guru pelatih yang akan menghubungkan jarak antara mereka dan guru penyelia mereka untuk perundingan. Penggunaan ILO dalam penyampaian e-pembelajaran dan pembelajaran jauh perlu dipertimbangkan oleh institusi pendidikan.
Kata Kunci: Pengajaran siberl objek pembelajaran interaktifl pembelajaran tidak bersemuka; guru pelatih; sekolah menengah
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17576/JPEN-2021-46.01SI-03
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